• Kia Poho Kererū Stamp
  • Kia Poho Kererū Stamp

Kia Poho Kererū Stamp

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Kia Poho Kererū is a figure of speech used to express how proud one should be of themselves and their achievements.

The design includes an illustration of branches from a Kōwhai tree (native to Aotearoa), where kererū are often found in spring feasting on the flowers and new growth.

Titlekia poho kererū

Meaning: be proud of yourself 

Direct translation: have a puffed up chest like the kererū bird.


  • Kererū: a native pigeon to Aotearoa that is known for having a notably puffed out chest.
  • poho: chest
  • poho kererū: a figurative expression — to be proud, full of pride, puffed up with pride

This premium pre-inked stamp is specially hand lettered by Aroha in te reo and accompanied with a meaning card displaying beautiful motifs illustrated by Josh Hurae from @ukaipoarts along with a translation and further information as described by Aroha. 

  • Stamp size: 32 mm
  • Shape: round
  • Stamp shell: pounamu jade 
  • Ink: green 


About the artist:

Maimoa Creative is owned by Aroha Tamihana (of Ngāti Raukawa and Ngāti Ranginui descent), a Māori creative passionate about the revitalisation of the Māori language and empowering learners on their journey. 

All royalties directly support Aroha and New Zealand Charity, Kura Kai. 

© teacherlatte 2022